Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Please Help!!

So I've been thinking greatly lately (greatly lately?- ha!) on a subject and I've decided I need some help. Tim and I have been married a year now, and I think it's time we were considered one, don't you? I just need help forming our names together i.e. TomKat, Brangelina... should we be Timara? Larim? Or, perhaps we use Tim's full name Timothy so..Larimothy? I'm just totally lost on the subject and could really use your wise input. Please, feel free to make up your own!


Lane and Jade said...

I will vote for LIM, Larimy, or Timra

Scott and Stef said...

How about Tiara,Timara,Limothy or Laray? Is this an announcement?

luke & sammy said...

for a moment i thought that i was reading that you were ready for a little one! I think it is time for that too!

Mitsy said...

I like Timara. :)

Amanda said...

Yeah, Timara is good

Ryan Muirhead said...

It has and always will be Rim. Get used to it.

Aubrey Norby said...

I personally like Tiara - it sounds like you are royalty or something.