Monday, August 9, 2010

family pics

just some family pictures for fun.. my nephew Nicholas got baptized- WHAAAT?! ya I can't believe he's that old but here's the fam at Thanksgiving Point after. What a tute tute boy, huh? both of them:)


Kellee and Brian said...

such a cute family! I love you guy!

Scott and Stef said...

Cute pictures! You guys all look so good, I miss you !!

Aubrey Norby said...

Cute pictures! Did you mean to say cute cute boys, or is that a hint when you call them tute boys? I always pictured it being spelled toot, but who knows? However you spell it, that does seem to be a favorite pastime of boys. He, he. You look good in purple - one of my favorite colors.

Amanda said...

I was going to make a tooting joke too, but apparently Aubrey beat me to it...

Kathy said...

Wow, I love that pic of him in white! Maybe that is his best color until he outgrows the spitting up!:) Love you all

Melissa said...

Cute family! And I too like purple on you. You look beautiful!
So I have to tell you a funny story. I was looking at your blog, Grace came over and saw your profile pic (the one of you and Tim at your wedding) and she says to me "Lara and Tim got married?" Let's hope so if they have a baby together:)