Friday, September 26, 2008

I did warn you

alright folks, I know I haven't blogged in a long time and I've received a lot of grief for it but I have nothing exciting to blog about! I could get on and rant and rave about politics like some do but I really don't want to turn my blog into a forum for arguing:) I promise I'll try and do something exciting soon so I can write about it. Please don't hate!


Amanda said...

I'm just excited to see anything! You're right on the politics. Don't go there!

Rob and Courtney said...

I was so excited when I saw you had updated your blog only to be sorely disapointed my dear! Well, you will have something to post this weekend as it is your BIRTHDAY!!!!

Shawn and Erica said...

Wish you woul have blogged about your party at the cabin....